ScooterPower and Maxiscoot invite you to join us for the last leg of this year’s drag racing season on October 20 / 21 to enjoy the last sunny days on your scooter or moped.
In case you are interested, here’s we some information for you.
Drag Challenge 2018 – The Grand Finale
As always, ScooterPower Drag Day #2 is the grand finale of the Drag Challenge and the final event of the 2018 season.
On the program:
- Drag Racing
- Circuit Racing
- Test Bench
- Pit Stop Challenge
- Wheelie Contest
- Maxiscoot Stand
- Award Ceremony Drag Day #2
You’ll find more detailed info below.
The darg racers do the 150m track. Free test runs take place on Saturday, followed by the official runs on Sunday.
All riders can measure the performance of their engine and adjust their settings on the free test bench.
Wheelie fans can show their skills, the contest is about the fastest and the longest wheelie.
The crack technicians amoung you can try to win some goodie by disassembling and reassembling a cylinder kit as quickly as possible.
As always, you can stock up on stylish accessories and clothing at the Maxiscoot stand. On Saturday and Sunday we’ll be handing out presents, so get yourselves ready!
The gates to the International Kart Track Salbris will be opened at 7pm on Friday, the riders and mechanics will have access to the paddocks (with power) and the campsite.
On Drag Day #2, two tracks will be open: the 150m straight for the drag races, and the 600m kart track, where anyone can go as fast as they like.
The drag racers have access to the entire infrastructure: the test track, the burnout zone and the return lane to the paddocks.
The DSSC time measurement system will read reaction time and speed. Both are displayed in real time on two screens on the side of the track.
Riders: 40 € online / 70 € on site
As always, you can save time and money by registering online; the deadline for registering online is on midday on October 17.
Visitors: 15 € Friday, 10 € Saturday, 5 € Sunday
Admission to the circuit track is 40€ per vehicle.
Participation in the races requires successful registration and compliance with the technical regulations.
The pilots of the MXS Racing Team will be there as well, all of them striving to go even faster than last time.
Of course you can take pictures and follow the team on both days on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat via #greenpower.
Our photographer Thomas will take photos all through the weekend; the photos will then be put in a photo gallery on our main social networks.
Rankings and exact times will be posted the week after the event.
If you want to come to ScooterPower Drag Day #2, either as a pilot or as a normal visitor, go to the website of Association ScooterPower, you will find the administrative / technical regulations, the registration form and other useful information.